Below is a partial list of organizations who have been clients of the Barbara Chan Consulting Group. When you are interested in knowing how we can help you and your group, telephone us at 510-233-0580 or use our convenient contact form.
You got to the heart of the matter in the first 10 minutes of our conversation! Thank you!
— Janet Chapman, Chief Privacy Officer, Charles Schwab
You did an excellent job facilitating the partnering teambuilding session. It was one of our most difficult contracts and it looks like things are moving forward and people are communicating and working together now.
.—Ed Byrnes, Chief Harbor Engineer, Port of San Francisco
We’ve tried to emulate your inspiring way of getting people to work across functions.
— Lucia Mikasa, Sr. Director, Oracle Corporation
Very helpful, information-packed presentation.
— Business Executive, 2007 International Coaching and Corporate Social Responsibility Conference: Conducting Business for a Better World, Beijing, China
Business | Healthcare |
Adobe Systems | Alameda County Public Health |
Allomet Partners | Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum |
Apple Computer | Bio-Rad Laboratories |
Charles Schwab | Blue Shield of California |
ELI | California Medical Association |
Farallon Computing | Center for Elders Independence |
First Affirmative Financial Network | Contra Costa County Health Services |
Fleet Boston | Global Pediatric Alliance |
Franklin-Templeton | Minnesota Asian American Health Coalition |
Generations Fitness | Redwood Health |
GeoFusion | Sandoz Pharmaceuticals |
Hinman Consulting Engineers | Southern California Organ Procurement |
InnerGlo | Western Journal of Medicine |
Oracle Corporation | |
PG&E | Non-Profit |
Raytheon | AIDS Project of the East Bay |
Senior Helpers | American Red Cross |
Sony Network Entertainment | ASIAN Inc. |
BFUU | |
Government | Build It Green |
City of Berkeley | CCOF |
City of Oakland | Center for Community Solutions |
City of Oakley | Children’s Defense Fund |
City of San Francisco | Coalition of Homeless Service Providers |
First 5 San Francisco | Community Housing Partnership |
Port of San Francisco | Generations Ahead |
Sandia National Laboratories | Immigration Legal Resource Center |
State of California | IMC USA |
USDA Forest Service | MOVE |
US EPA | National Cohousing Network |
National Marrow Donor Program | |
Education | Out and Equal |
ASUC Auxiliary (UC Berkeley) | PlaNetworks |
Berkeley High School | Sikh Coalition |
Breakthrough Collaborative | Taproot Foundation |
Church Divinity School of the Pacific | United Nations Peoples Assembly |
Community Educational Services | Vietnamese Youth Development |
First Graduate | YES |
KIPP Foundation | |
Oregon Community College Association | |
Summer Search | |
University of California at Berkeley | |
University of California President’s Office | |
University of San Francisco | |
West Valley College | |
“The minute I heard you speak at the conference, I knew you were the person to help me figure out my next career move.”
—Dale Radcliff, former Executive, Bank of America
Barbara’s services were consistently timely, complete, of the highest quality and fully met my expectations. She is extremely knowledgeable of our agency mission, priorities and business practices. Barbara is an outstanding facilitator, social scientist and professional—a delight to work with in every way.
—Beth Pendleton, Regional Forester, USDA Forest Service Alaska
Barbara conducted a behavioral styles and motivations assessment of me. I was highly impressed with the accuracy and appropriateness of her comments. She was able to make an analysis of my work, learning and leadership style and coach me on how to be more effective in hiring and managing the right people for key positions. I believe that this is an invaluable service she offers. I will engage her next time that I hire a senior manager at my company.
— Robert J. Fox, President, People Source International
Barbara is a 10 out of 5! Her Leadership Challenge class and coaching is inspiring; she has an uncanny ability to decipher the issues.
—Participant, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Conference
The holistic methodology you use and the sensitivity you express is unusual and rewarding for those of us who get to work with you.
—Dr. Marchelle Fox, President, West Valley College
ECIW was beginning what would be a complete organizational transformation, and Barbara realized even before I did, that I needed to transform myself as well. Barbara worked closely with me through identifying issues on all levels that were affecting my effectiveness as a leader and systematically working towards their resolution. I noticed myself working with more awareness of my strengths, challenges and style of communication. Together we covered issues that I had identified as well as those that came up in the course of each week. Her observations and advice were accurate and well timed. She was quick to recognize progress, modeling for me an effective way to motivate better performance in my staff. Very naturally, attention moved towards the rest of our staff and ECIW as a whole. ECIW also benefited from Barbara’s skill in strategic planning facilitation. In spring 2001, we were at the end of a three-year plan and in the middle of a great transition in programs and staffing. Barbara knew intuitively how to bring this group of old and new employees and board members together to focus on a future that would be very different from the present. A year later, with the new staffing more established we revisited the plan with Barbara’s help to answer current questions and to look again at our three- year vision. At the end of 2003, in preparation for a new planning cycle, I circulated our Vision Statement for 2003, written at our strategic planning session in 2001. The response of both board and staff was amazement. How could we have predicted so well what ECIW would be in three years? I believe it was Barbara’s ability to bring out the collective dream within our group and to help us work synergistically and efficiently towards its realization. Since it was our dream, there was already ‘buy-in’. We just needed permission to reach for it!
— Marcy Jackson, Executive Director
Loved The World Café structure—meeting many people and questions for guided discussion sparking different ideas
— Sandy Samuels, Bayer
What you captured is really the essence of leadership … the challenge of moving an organization forward in terms of PEOPLE (What does it mean), PROCESSES (How do you measure), and RESULTS (Describing Success).
— Dr. Frank Toda, President, Columbia Gorge College, former Air Force career officer
Barbara’s ability to assess my team’s strengths and share insights to help me lead them more effectively, combined with her coaching on how to develop my organization, is paying off. If you want to build a strong organization, I recommend you contact Barbara.
— Eric Lofholm, President & CEO, ELI Sales Training and Sales Script Writing